Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Criminals 170830

I arose this morning, made coffee and went out on our patio to have some. I saw a policeman looking in all of the cars in the parking lot. I wondered what was going on, but had no idea. (It turned out he was looking for a criminal who fled the scene of a crime.)
Later I went to the rental office to pay the rent a little early and find out what had happened. I was told the following story by the manager.
I man who lives in an adjoining building works at the nearby Walmart on the overnight shift. He usually walks home, but a coworker offered him a ride home. The coworker drove into the parking lot and the man who lives here and sees all the normal vehicles parked here overnight saw a Jeep vehicle he knew did not belong here, parked by the dumpsters. He looked further and saw a woman in the dumpster and a companion man hiding in the bushes nearby. He called the local police and they rushed to the scene. The woman in the dumpster was going through the trash looking for discarded mail to get information (all those credit card offers people receive) (this is why you need a shredder instead of tossing those credit offers you may receive or those checks your bank or credit card company sends you). The Jeep had bicycles on top (all stolen). Inside there were articles just stolen from cars in our parking lot that were not locked last night. The Jeep was registered to an old man in Springfield. The police called him and found out he is housebound and cannot drive, so he allowed his care giver to use his vehicle. So lock up your vehicles at night whether you live in what you think is your safe driveway at your house or in an apartment.

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