Saturday, July 29, 2017

Very old family pictures 1707

This was me and the girl next door in 1947 or 48. The house in the picture  is actually the house next door. That fence had a 2x4 rail on top and I could walk that rail to that huge ceramic planter while I imagined I was walking a tightrope . 

​This was Joyce's grandfather and grandmother's house in south Saint Louis about 1920. Notice there is little around there and now it has buildings all surrounding it and for miles in every direction. The house was bought for $1700 and the last time we saw it was in the Sunday newspaper listed for $74,000. It still has the original slate roof!

​This is Joyce's aunt around 1920. The photographers used to go about the city neighborhoods taking pictures on a pony like this one.

​This was Joyce as a little girl. The pony looks like the same one. I have a picture of me on a similar if not the same pony. Joyce and I were raised just a mile apart but never met until we were 17.

​This was me in Chavez ravine in 1958. The spot is now Dodger Stadium in Las Angeles.

​My grandmother and grandfather in the 1930 era. Photographers would take pictures of people on the streets. Note the movie poster for the movie "After the Thin Man" which was released in the thirties.

​This is my mother and father about 1942. It would appear I looked like him when I was the same age (21).

This was our first rented home in Millington, Tn. 1964. We lived on the left side. It was a half duplex and an efficiency (no bedroom, couch folded out as a bed.) $40 a month.

Sometimes the worst of times becomes the best of times.

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