Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Change is Coming 1706 !

People get older and the natural thing for us to do is resist change. That may not be logical thought, but it seems to be true. The problem is that everything changes, sometimes rapidly, sometimes slowly, but the changes happen. I love the fact that “change is the only constant in the universe.” It is odd, but that is how things are. Many people fear change, with good reason, but there is no stopping change.
Jobs change with technology, jobs disappear new jobs open up. We now have personal computers everywhere, when 20 years ago few of us had one. Smart phones did not exist. Video games were only in arcades at 25 cents a pop that only lasted a few short moments before one had to feed the machine ever more quarters. Google was not a company 20 years ago and now it rules the world wide web with more than 60,000 employees. 20 years ago there was no Shock and Awe war in Iraq. There was no 9/11 no Afghanistan war for us Americans. Russia was well into the background of news or activities that we knew of then.
Artificially intelligent robots were merely a dream back in the nineties. In 20 years from now they will be in every business and many homes. In 30 years the artificially intelligent robots will be arguing with the human world and in 40 years there will be wars between robots and humans. I hope humans win, but we may not. I may be wrong in my chronology, the wars may come sooner than that.
At some point in the future the aliens from outer-space will return in force to earth and that will not bode well for humanity. Their technology allowed them to visit here in the past and may have saved humans when we were struggling to survive on a difficult planet. Some say they are already here in small numbers, perhaps as an expeditionary force gathering intelligence, who knows?
Back to the point, life changes imperceptibly a little bit every day, some days it changes in a greater manner; but you cannot change the fact that everything changes.

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