Monday, May 15, 2017

The Future 1705

The future is impossible to see at the moment. I remember when I was a 16 year-old, knowing I would be great at something, but did not know what it was. It turned out there was a moment when I was the best at fixing navy radio and navigation equipment at least on the west coast. But that was just for a while.
I remember when Joyce and I got married at 18, neither parents thought it would last. It’s only been 53 years at this point and I love her as much or rather more than ever at this point.
One thing I am fairly sure of is that if one does not have a goal, there is no way to get there. I once asked someone, “What would it take to make you happy?” It turned out that person did not know the answer. I think one cannot ever be happy if he/she does not have a plan or an idea as to what it takes to make them happy.
I set goals way back in the early eighties and we achieved them together. By the year 2001 we found out those goals were not 100% possible. We had gotten there, but things had changed so much, one part of the goal was not attainable.
That is what is called life. We got to where we wanted to be, but our goals were not as big as anything we could imagine.
So if any young person reads this, my advice is to have goals that are beyond all logical possibility, and when you attain them, remember me. God bless the youth of this country and give them the strength to imagine things beyond their wildest dreams and then achieve them despite any naysayers who try to dissuade them. Things are tough, but they have been tougher in the past and people have survived.

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