Monday, April 17, 2017

The Best 24 Hours in a Long Time

From 1:00 pm yesterday until the same time today has just been wonderful. Our kids showed up for Easter yesterday about 1:00 and our granddaughter was already here. The celebration was wonderful. Joyce put out a food spread that was fantastic! Then about 6:00 pm I found out my jury duty (which I was ready to do) was cancelled. This morning we got to go to the fitness center for a grand workout. After the workout we were getting into the car when another senior came out and discovered his tire was flat. He was wondering what he could do when two other old men showed up to talk about the situation. I popped my trunk open and pulled out my 12 volt tire pump which I have not used for months and pumped his tire up enough to get him to a tire store and even told him where the closest one was to the fitness center. We followed the old man over to the tire store to ensure he made it okay. We then headed over to the local Lowes home store to buy some more plants for our patio. We got what we needed and as we walked out to our car an old woman asked me if I could help her get her door shut on her Dodge truck. The door latch was stuck in the open position and the door would not close. I got a screwdriver out of my trunk and between the two of us we managed to flip the latch so she could get home. Her husband is temporarily convalescing and not able to fix the thing himself. (I always enjoy helping people when I can and today made me feel terrific!) We got home and filled all of our planters with beautiful plants (which would make anyone feel good) and finished the day with a few cold, frosty beers. Life is so good most of the time.

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