Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Gerrymandering, a Sport?

Gerrymandering does sound like a sport, like fishing, hunting or spelunking. Actually it most closely resembles spelunking in that redrawing of congressional districts (gerrymandering) to enhance one party’s chances of holding onto power is similar to spelunking in that spelunkers go down into deep, dark, dangerous places in order prove their mettle and seek their glory. Both are dark, dangerous things to do. When things go wrong in either one it is damaging to those who do it and to their families but in gerrymandering the damage goes to orders of magnitude higher, involving those in the district and potentially the nation, should those extra congressional representative’s votes change things for the worse to all Americans.
I know a lot of hunters and fishermen and by and large they are good decent working folks. Spelunkers, I no none, but one has to be spunky to go down into dark, damp, dangerous places so I guess they are okay. Gerrymanders, on the other hand, are backdoor men, men one does not want behind oneself. Gerrymanders are always wanting to bend over the electorate.

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