Tuesday, March 28, 2017

An Asshole

I know I have been called an asshole several times to my face and more behind my back. I believe most of those times it was done in a derogatory manner; but let’s look at that for a moment.
Other than the heart, the asshole is the most important part of the body. If you do not think so, wait until you are constipated for several days. The whole body is ill and unable to function properly. Wait until you have a bad case of hemorrhoids and you cannot even blink your eye without feeling sharp pain.
The asshole is a simple sphincter muscle that only works for a few moments a day, maybe twice a day, but it gets sustenance and protection for a lifetime. It’s a good thing to have and despite its good work it gets little or no recognition. This last point applies to most of us in the working class, (good working and no recognition.)
I say next time someone calls you an asshole, realize it is actually a compliment even though it is meant as a slanderous comment.

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