Monday, January 2, 2017

Pet Products 17

This post is a full page, and the first paragraph is really back story so you can appreciate the second two paragraphs. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.
Long ago, but not too far away Joyce’s mother worked at Purina Mills she was on a temporary assignment there at one of the laboratories. Now at that time the scientists were very concerned over the quality of the dog food they produced and they even taste tested it themselves, much to the chagrin of Joyce’s mother. The secrecy there was astounding! Nothing left the lab until after the development of the product was complete, even the scientist’s notes and logs stayed right there in the lab. That said, Joyce’s mother worked on the original product development for Purina’s Bonz. It was an artificially developed bone with marrow inside. She’s gone 10 years ago now; so I suppose I can reveal the secret. She somehow smuggled out samples of the very first run and our little dog was the first actual dog in the country to taste the new product; he approved of it mightily and Purina may still be making it today.
Now in 2017 I see a cat product called Clump and Seal. I gather that its purpose is to somehow adhere to the bowel eliminations of a cat and make the scooping of cat scat a more pleasant task, though I cannot imagine any way on earth that scoopin cat poopin could be pleasant, but perhaps it might be rather less disgusting.

Clump and Seal has me wondering how it was developed. Did the scientists make an artificial cat scat to use in trials? If so, were there teams of minimum-wage workers shaping the artificial cat scat so it had the correct size and weight to simulate cat turds? To test the sealing process they must have had to formulate the disgusting smell into the shaped and formed cat scat. At some point they may have gathered up a few dozen strays from the animal shelter and carefully analyzed the results of their leavings to ensure that the clump and sealing process worked properly. That job just seems like a tough way to make a living to me, especially the testing for the elimination of the elimination odor.

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