Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Just a Few of Maintenance Man Superhero's Friends

          This post will be appreciated more by people who worked at Litton at the turn of the century and the millennium, but it also shows how sometimes work can be fun. For those of you who might wonder about the black cape, Joyce's mother made that for Maintenance Man Superhero, Kelly Hampton. There was I think more than a year of stories written and pictures taken based on the Maintenance Man Superhero character. We enlisted several people to participate in the antics at different areas of the building and even up on the roof. It was a great time.
          I came across an old CD yesterday and it had some pictures I took of Maintenance Man and friends we took on Halloween of 2002. It was one of the best times at Litton. Things were going well and we were working hard, but having fun. I showed my pictures to Bob Shutz (then president of ACD) and his remark was, "how much of my time did you spend on this?" My reply was, "company morale is always a good thing Bob."  There should be a picture of Bill Taylor here, but Bill did his best to avoid the camera, usually by flipping me the bird whenever the camera came out. 
           I cannot remember this first guy's name, but he was a good guy and a good friend of Maintenance man.
This is Betty Bergeson.
This was Becky.
Our noble Bill Cameron.
Bill Jernigan.
Just Bob is all I can remember here.
Here he is with Carol Stewart.
Our own Maintenance Man in Cad Cam.
I do not think I ever knew this guy's name.
This was Denise, but I do not remember her last name she worked in purchasing.
And of course The Editor of the Sentinel News.
That cape really opened up at the corner.
This little woman was named Chai. She was in CAD CAM for a short while. She was a bit confused with the big fellow in his cape and perhaps with the Halloween thing in general.
Our hero and Jim Fox.
I think this gal's name was Jeannie.
I do not remember this guy's first name, maybe Kevin, but his last name was Williamson.
The big guy in the reliability lab.
Mike Kindel and our hero.
Here he is with two nice gals, Carla and Carolyn from Human Resources.
Her name was Mary.
This girl's name was Pam.
Those of you who read the Maintenance Man  adventures should recognize Rob Painter as the Goliath character.
And who could forget Sue Fuller?
The big guy with Teri Ramsey, who I have also bumped into recently. She and Guy Arris live nearby, somewhere.
Tanya Witt, in case the costume fooled you.
Here he is with Virginia Medley. I have just seen her and Randy in Walmart recently. They are well. 

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