Monday, December 12, 2016

It Happened in 2050

In the year 2050 the world’s oil supply ran out. What was left of the economy was crippled. Years before 2050, intelligent robots had taken over all of the factory jobs, warehouse jobs, mail and package delivery jobs and almost everything requiring manual labor. People were somewhat stressed with the transition, but they were slowly adapting to the situation, until the truth came out!
Once the story was exposed by a young woman who hacked into a secret robot database, panic ensued. People were rushing out into the streets and screaming over the news. As the story spread across neighborhoods, the robot police rounded up and arrested those spreading the news.

What was the story, the news? It turned out that the intelligent robots needed oil to lubricate all of their movable joints and with no fossil fuel oil left in the world, the robots made the decision to use their massive pressing machines to place the people they arrested between the plates and crush them to squeeze out the natural oils in the human body and thereby keep the robot’s joints lubricated so they could freely move about in their new world order.

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