Monday, December 26, 2016

After Christmas 2016

The gift wrapping is over; the dumpster is full of paper, boxes and turkey that sat out on the counter too long. Soon the families will drift away toward each ones own homes. The new year is rapidly approaching.
It is time to slowly drop those extra pounds garnered during the ramp up to and including Christmas. Everyone will be thinking about those new year’s resolutions, which will soon fall by the wayside shortly after January first. This is nothing to be sad about; it happens every year and just like Christmas your second chance will roll around in another 12 months. After all Christmas is only 364 days away and new year 2017 is 359 days away. Change is inevitable, and it happens all the time, so why make resolutions to interject even more change in your life? Relax and let those changes you can do nothing about just happen and then go on from there. That way you suffer no guilt over making a promise that you knew you would never keep anyway.
It just makes sense to me to do what makes you happy, as long as it doesn’t hurt others. I have put myself through trials with resolutions. I quit drinking once for 3 years; it did not make me happy. I quit smoking once for 37 years; that did not make me happy either. I do not have enough time left to be unhappy, so I make an effort to think happy, be happy every day. Some days that does not work as well as others, but the effort is well worth it.

I wish you a Happy New Year and better yet, a happy rest of your life. Choose Joy!

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