Saturday, October 8, 2016

A Walmart CHristmas

Fall is upon us here. Daylight is reduced. We had a great workout at the fitness center yesterday morning and stopped to shop afterward. Who knew Christmas was in the air at Walmart? It’s terrible that Walmart is skipping past Halloween and Thanksgiving and going quickly for the throat of Christmas.
I’m really being silly here about Walmart. We drank the kool-aid and bought our fake, artificial Christmas tree that came all the way from China; can you imagine that? I don’t think those Chinese folks even have Christmas. I suppose they have some sort of communist celebration, they don’t even celebrate New Years at the right time. Back to Walmart, we also bought new lights for our fake Christmas tree, that was from China, where they don’t even celebrate Christmas; did I mention that? Anyway we came home after shopping and I hooked up our new computer speakers; they came all the way from China, where the music they play there sounds like plink plonk twang. I suppose that’s why the speakers sound a little funny, but they were cheap, especially since they too came all the way from China. That’s like all the way across the world, where the music sounds like plink, plonk, twang, did I mention that?
The first thing we played on our new speakers was Christmas music. It really lightened our spirits, even though the music seemed to sound a little different than I remember last year. It seemed to have more plinks and plonks; I guess my memories are getting a bit fuzzy, maybe even twangy.
It’s a funny thing about Walmart; we embrace Walmart. Not the way Donald Trump embraces women, but we do embrace Walmart. It enables us to have all the things we want and much we did not know we wanted until we saw it. Well maybe it is a lot like the Trumpster; all the while we are grabbing all we want, we are in a downward spiral doing it. We have more and less at the same time, more that we want and less job security. Every time we send dollars to China, jobs go with them, but we still do it.
Speaking of China, that’s on the other side of the world and practically everything we buy comes from there. How can they buy materials, manufacture everything, put it on a ship to LA, put it on a railroad and then on a truck to our local Walmart and still sell it so cheap? That just baffles me. You know that China is on the other side of the world don’t you? I think there’s some funny business going on here.
We do everything better here in the USA, yet we cannot out do China on goods and manufacturing and prices. I think there must be some real funny business going on here too.

Well I haven’t figured out what is going on with things here and in China, which is on the other side of the world and they don’t even celebrate Christmas or believe in Jesus, so you know something is wrong. Until I get this all sorted out, I’ll fall in with all the rest of the sheep and hope that when the truck loads us up for the trip to the butcher shop, they miss getting me in there because there’s not enough room for all of us. Until then I’ll just keep using my Chinese computer, listening to my Chinese speakers, lighting my view with my Chinese light bulbs, watching my Chinese TV, washing clothes in my Chinese washing machine, drinking my cold beer out of my Chinese refrigerator. Hey, my day just got a little bit brighter, realizing my beer is made in America! Hooray for the USA! At least we have our priorities straight.

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