Monday, June 13, 2016

What is a Human?

A human is a member of the primate genus homo, distinguished from other apes by a large brain and the capacity for speech. There is nothing in that definition that quantifies a member because of color, religion, political affinity or sexual preference. Every human you or I know is different. Some we love, some we do not care for, but in this country all are humans and should not be killed because of color, religion, politics or sexual preference. We live in a country where people are supposed to be free to express their thoughts and feelings, whether they agree with ours or not. I am not gay, but I have met many and probably more than I realized; after all they don’t wear a badge. I love women, so how could I have anything against any woman who also loves women?
The facts in our world are that there are wars and people get killed in them, whether the war is justified or not. There are millions of guns and assault rifles in this country and if the government stopped sales of them and collected all they know about, there would still be millions more already here. Gun control is not the answer. The answer is love and respect of others. How that happens I do not know. Religion is not the answer, some of the worst haters I have known went to church, though I do not know why. Some of the kindest people I have known never went to church.

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