Sunday, January 10, 2016

Two things I never got to do

There were two  things I wanted to do in the navy, but never got the opportunity. One was to fly in a P-2V patrol squadron either out of San Diego or Whidby Island, Washington. Here below is a picture of a P-2V.

I do not know why I loved this plane so much, part of it may have been from the sea stories I heard from the old salts who had flown in them. The plane was first built in 1945, but served in the navy until the late seventies. That pod under the wing (both wings) was a jet assist for short field takeoffs. In 1951 the navy was behind the air force in nuclear delivery planes so they actually converted several of these giants to takeoff from an aircraft carrier, deliver a nuclear weapon and then ditch at sea because there was no way to land them on an aircraft carrier. Note the jet exhaust trails on takeoff.

The second thing I wanted was to fly in a Martin P-5 flying boat as a crew member. I remember these old planes taxiing into San Diego bay from North Island and then taking off from the bay. These old planes, like the P-2V were in service for a long time and both were still in use during the Vietnam War. I knew no one who was a crew member in these; I just wanted to be one myself.
 I remember sometimes when San Diego bay was calm these P-5 boats could not take off because the water tension held them to the surface. They would have to bring out a second plane to crisscross the surface of the bay so the first plane could lift off. Out on the ocean this was not usually a problem. Seeing these grand old planes lift out of the water was a thrilling sight to see for me. 

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