Wednesday, July 29, 2015


          The planet Uranus was discovered in 1781 by a telescope. The funny thing about the planet was by the 1960 era high school kids were having a fun time with the pronunciation "Your Anus."

           Scientists decided decades later that they would change the pronunciation to "Urine a sis." Which is still a bodily function and tickles me to no end. Scientists just cannot get ahead of the curve on this.

          Interesting fact I learned last night is that uranium was discovered in 1789 and because there was such an excitement over Uranus  they named the new find uranium after the planet.

          Now the big thing about uranium is that it changes all by itself through four different stages. The most common use of uranium 235 has been the making of atomic weapons. Once those protons break free there are horrific explosions when everything is done correctly. In 1948 there were 10 atomic bombs in the entire world. By 1962 the U.S. had 30,000 of them in various sizes from giant hydrogen bombs to small battlefield sized weapons that were bazooka-sized that could be fired from an army jeep. Of course by 1962 the Russians had an additional 30,000 atomic weapons; thereby assuring mutual world-wide destruction. What I do not know is where are all of these more than 60,000 nuclear weapons?

          Now there are even more in Israel, Pakistan, India, UK and more countries. The most unstable areas are in India and Pakistan. Just a small nuclear exchange between those two nations would create a nuclear winter that would destroy crops around the world for over a year and kill millions of people between the exchange and the world-wide famine from loss of crops.

          All I can say about this is, relax, have another beer and not worry because we here in the U.S. have absolutely no control of what may or will happen. 

          Rhett and I are putting a new roof on the old farm house here starting on Sunday and I just hope I get to use it for the rest of my life instead of having that nuclear exchange happen and starving us out before I get the benefit of the new roof.

          Have a wonderful day thinking about Uranus and nuclear weapons going off. I am already having a few beers just in case something major happens. One good thing about this is India and Pakistan are on the other side of the world, so if things blow up over there, they are a day ahead of us and I will have one more day to drink some beer before everything goes to pot. Yes that is another reference to "Your Anus" and "Urine a sys." Besides if that happens you can just bend over and kiss your anus goodbye!

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