Friday, July 31, 2015


          If you have ever read the book 2001 Space Odyssey, you no doubt remember HAL the computer robot that controlled the spaceship. HAL, after years of good service, finally decided HAL knew more than his human master and HAL took over the ship.  

          Everyone alive today has lived through a technological revolution. Some have embraced it while others have managed to avoid it. I have made my living with technology and still enjoy it in retirement.

          Last night I watched the PBS news hour and they had a segment about robots. I had not realized how much robots have taken over in the last few years. 

          A hundred years ago most people here worked in agriculture. The industrial revolution moved jobs from the farm to the factory. Factory workers made cars, appliances and more. Then robotic technology pushed many if not most out of those jobs out of our workforce and our country.

          Now robots are moving into warehouses, retail stores and even package delivery. Soon robot drones will be delivering packages to our doorstep. Estimates are that in 20 years robots will displace 45% of all American jobs. Businesses are all for that because they always want to cut worker wages and benefits, workers will soon realize how much trouble is in their futures.

          Our nation today has more than 25% unemployed or underemployed. In 20 years when another 45% are unemployed we are looking at 70% unemployed or underemployed.  You can imagine in 20  years there will be less than 30% of the nation with jobs. The top will be corporate types and they will be the only ones with any real money. With the 90% being dirt poor or working poor, they will not be able to buy goods. The American economy is driven by the working people buying goods sold by the corporate class. The corporate class is the top of a pyramid. The working class is the base of the pyramid. When the base of a pyramid collapses, the top falls with it. The corporate class will be dancing in their expensive homes as robots take over and cut out labor, making profits soar for a time and then just like when the Titanic sank, when the elite were dancing in the ballrooms until the ship sunk, the corporate elite will be dancing when the pyramid collapses. 

          It may seem that I am bashing the wealthy. I understand their reasoning and their desire to become ever more wealthy. I am merely pointing out that this is not the 1600-1915 English aristocracy where agriculture and shipping kept them at the top. Our economy is based on working people buying goods. When that ends so does the economy and the wealth of those at the top.

          I only hope for my children's and grandchildren's sake I am wrong.

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