Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tech Support

Tuesday June 16, 2015 I have been online with tech support with a guy in India or Bangladesh for over an hour trying to get help on the web pages I publish at ashtreeantiques.com. The web host company has changed hands and tech support and software. This has not been good for me. I have seen customer forums about how things have degraded since the company changed hands. I almost feel sorry for the new guys and even sorrier for myself. I have noticed there have been no upgrades on the software for a long time and the site takes much longer to get into and make the necessary updates I make every month. I hate to think of having to change the hosting company. It will be a lot of work and since there are issues with the present company. I enjoy doing these things when they work correctly, but when troubles arise it can be all consuming and just maddening! And then after another 2 hours things were still broken. This has not been a good day.

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