Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ice Age

There have been 5 major ice ages in the last 2 billion years here on earth. The last one was 10,000 years ago. During those ice ages there was ice as far south as the equator and between the ice ages even the mountain tops, our snow capped peaks, were warm and dry. Without the Co-2 from volcanoes, the earth would never have warmed up, and yet we are worried about Co-2 emissions now; but that is really not what this story is about. I do not know which age pushed glaciers through the farm here, but what I do know is when that happened, the glaciers moved millions of tons of rocks around like a child pushing his toys around on a living room floor. That is how my little farm was was shaped. This farm is on a mound and the mound has very little top soil on top of a lot of rock. So why am I telling you this? Well here is the deal, for at least 10,000 years this farm has been pushing up rocks from down below up to the surface, year in and year out. For the last 26 years I have been finding them, usually with my lawn mowers, and to be frank I am getting tired of it. 

I read once that Mark Twain was an excellent river boat pilot on the Mississippi. He knew every sand bar and snag along the river from Minnesota to New Orleans. I used to pride myself on my knowledge of snags and stumps here on the farm, but with the rocks that pop up every year and the old trees whose roots continue to elevate from the depths I know Mark Twain had it a lot easier than I do here. I may be exaggerating a bit, but not too very much. 

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