Friday, April 17, 2015

Out in the Woods Today

April 17, 2015 I was out back in the woods today cutting down and stacking a bunch of Osage orange trees and a few thorny Locust trees. It felt great being out in the woods and sweating like it was already summertime. I got pretty tired out there so I headed for the house for a couple of delightfully refreshing beers. Next I went in for a nice hot bath. I undressed for my bath and checked for any ticks that might want to have a meal on me. I was shocked to find that the thousands of needle-like thorns on the Osage orange trees had stuck me everywhere from my hands, arms and all over my legs from my thighs to my ankles. I looked like an old junkie. This should not have surprised me because it happens all summer long every year. There is no way to avoid having to cut them every year.

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