Monday, March 23, 2015

The Possibity of Tornadoes

I was outside today push mowing through some tall grass from last year. I have no control over my thoughts when mowing and today was no exception. Spring is coming and with that we have our worst stormy weather. I was reminded of tornadoes in our past. One year a big tornado went through Pitcher Oklahoma, some 95 miles away, but dumped a large amount of trash here on our property. There were pictures, a blue ribbon from some grade school contest there and several documents. Another year a tornado was bouncing along and took the tops of two trees less than 100 feet from the house before setting down in a small town nearly ten miles from here, destroying several buildings. Another year a 95 mile an hour wind from a nearby tornado ripped a bunch of shingles from our roof and nearly took out two trees within 30 feet of the house. I suppose you can see my concern for the upcoming weather possibilities. 

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