Friday, March 6, 2015

Sleep is a Good Thing

                                 The Sentinel News                          

I am reading again and found this interesting story about sleep problems, written by the eminent doctor Ben Dover, a Harvard trained MD. Doctor Dover states that if you are having trouble sleeping one thing you can do is reorient your bed. The earth has its magnetic fields running north to south. Magnetic fields dramatically affect electrical currents. By sleeping in a bed oriented north south electric currents can flow more easily in the body, allowing better rest and the body to heal. An east west orientation against the magnetic lines of force directs electrical currents to the outer extremities and away from the brain which works during sleep to heal the body. An east west orientation robs sleep and can lead to chronic insomnia. It is best if possible that the head of the bed is placed to the north, allowing maximum direction of electrical brain current to stay in the brain. 
           I provide this information as a public service. Remember you heard it here first in The Sentinel News.

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