Friday, March 27, 2015

Local Sheriff Removes Brothers from School

This was on the local TV news last night.

Two brothers on a farm nearby were a few minutes late for their high-school classes. They were late because they were helping deliver a new-born calf. Two hours later the sheriff showed up and proceeded to remove them from school. The boys knew they had been late arriving, but were puzzled over why this would be a police matter.
I turned out that a transport driver had stopped to check on the trailer he was pulling. The driver was checking the trailer when a huge bull escaped from the back of the trailer. Sheriff’s deputies were called to round up the errant bull. They tried for two hours to contain the bull, but the bull was having none of that. The boy’s mother heard about what was going on with the deputies and called the sheriff’s office. Mom told the dispatcher to have the sheriff pull her boys from school and they could take care of the problem.

The sheriff did just that. The boys grabbed their cowboy hats, saddled up their horses, rode out to the scene and in less than 10 minutes had that bull back in the trailer. It turns out these two boys have been riding and herding cattle since they were old enough to climb onto a horse. The reporter asked them how they managed to get the job done. The boys hung their heads in a shy manner and said, “Aw it’s just what we do mam.” The sheriff told the boys they did a great job and that they could have the rest of the day off school.

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