Friday, January 16, 2015

I beat another Dell computer

This week I did another number on a second Dell laptop. The software was tricky reloading this one too, but I got it. The second one would not allow me to update the Microsoft Internet explorer 7 as the first one did not allow. I figured out that the second one would not allow me to upgrade to Internet explorer 9 because it had to have windows vista service pack 2 installed before Internet explorer 9 would download. The first one gave me no indication that needed to be done. Internet explorer 7 is crap. On the first one I just downloaded Google Chrome browser because it is far better than Microsoft Internet Explorer and that worked quite well. On the second Dell, once I downloaded service pack 2 it worked. But the second one, would not download Google chrome, so I had to go to a secondary web download website. The secondary site also downloaded site gobs of extra crap on with the download. There were shopping sites and tracking software with it. So I had to download Malwarebytes.0rg (free edition) (with all these sited, if it don't say free, let it be and don't bother with free trials) to clean off the computer of possible  malicious software. There were 750 possible malicious software links there, Running a Malwarebites scan  took them away within an hour or so, My point here is the fact that I beat another laptop and don't download from secondary download sites, use only the company sites or suffer the possibility of malicious software on your computer, If your computer is having difficulty with extra links and registry problems there is a program called that can help a lot, but stick to the free stuff and save money. I would also recommend a program for your anti-virus needs, but be sure you get the free edition.

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