Monday, March 10, 2014


This picture lost in translation.

The kids came out to the farm yesterday and stayed overnight. I got up this morning and started making my famous pancakes for them. 

I mixed them up and put them on the grill. They looked fluffy and beautiful. We sat down to the table and started to dig in. A few seconds later, everyone including me started spitting out pancakes. The kids said they tasted too salty. Joyce asked if I put sugar in them and I said I did. She then said show me the sugar you used. I got up from the table and picked up the jar I used. Joyce said, “That’s salt!” I had just been to the store with her and we bought sugar. She usually puts sugar and flour into glass jars. I assumed she had too much sugar to fit into the regular jar, so she had put the excess into a different jar. End result, instead of 4 tablespoons of sugar I had added 4 tablespoons of Kosher salt.

On the plus side today, this afternoon I was out in the woods chopping out stumps. It was exhausting, but I got a lot done and there are a lot more to do as soon as I can. Hailey and I walked in the woods and we saw a butterfly. This is the earliest I have ever seen one around here. Today was the first day this year that the outside temperature was higher than the inside temp.

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