Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Idea of how to forestall Climate Change

Climate change is a real thing, what is causing it is debatable. One thing I know is that all of our really bad weather starts out in the ocean, be it Atlantic or Pacific. My proposal is this; drain the Atlantic and the Pacific; that will end all of our bad weather. We can let the Indian Ocean and the Arctic and the others still be there so we can have fish once in a while. Once the Atlantic is drained, then travel agencies can arrange bus tours to Europe. Think of all the things one can see driving along the floor of the Atlantic. There are wrecked ships from World War Two, plus the Titanic; wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Once the Pacific is drained there will be no more tsunamis to flood the Fukishima nuclear plant in Japan. If anyone thinks the Grand Canyon is wonderful, think about when they see the Marianas Trench off Guam? It is the deepest canyon in the entire world! Wow, won’t tourists go crazy over that? Imagine standing on the Pacific floor off Guam and taking picture of the trench; it will be awesome.

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