Monday, October 7, 2013

It Could Happen to You, It Did to Me

Today's post is from a Sentinel issue I wrote 10 years ago this month. As I read it, I thought it isn't funny, but it is true and it did happen. It could happen to you as it did to me. This is how it was posted on the internet. 


     New hidden threat to drivers exposed. 

This is a first for me and you may be already paying and not know it. The insurance premium for my car arrived today in the mail. Joyce opened the envelope and glanced at the bill. She almost put it down and started to write out a check when she noted a tiny print addition on one page that stated: Premium includes a $22.70 charge for one violation. She picked up the phone and called the insurance office. The young lady who works in the office told Joyce that the charge was for a speeding violation on January 1, 2002. Joyce thought for a second and asked: "did you say January 1?"

            "Yes", came the reply. 
            "Well I know that couldn't be right," said Joyce; "we never go out New Years eve or the first, just to avoid traffic."
            "Well before you say that, why don't you ask William?" came the reply. "What you will need to do is contact the DMV in Jefferson City and have them remove the violation from his driving record. I can't do anything here." She then gave Joyce a number in Jefferson City for me to call.
            I called the DMV and heard their automated response. It droned on for several minutes, but none of the categories seemed to fit my situation. I selected one for 'driving record' after listening then re-listening to the recording three times. That turned out to be just another automated set of instructions. I then had to listen for a way to get back to the main menu. I listened to the whole tape another time and selected another of the nine choices. It turned out to be a bust too, but at the very end there was an option hidden in there that would let me speak to a real person. I slammed that button as quickly as possible before the window of opportunity was gone! Finally a human, I gasped and almost shed a tear. Quickly I unloaded my burden before he could tell me he couldn't help me. When I finished, he told me he would have to transfer me to 'records section'. "Thank you " I replied. Again, another human, I was feeling good now. A nice woman asked for my license number. I gave it to her and she said: "Yes, here it is you were ticketed on January 1, 2001 in Florida!" 
            "Well then," I said, "that really makes this impossible; I haven't been in Florida since 1985."
            "I'll have to bring up the microfilm", she replied. " That may be tomorrow by the time I can do that. Give me your number and I'll call you". So my friends, I learned a lesson today. You may have driving points assigned against you and not even know it. You could get your first ticket and lose your license because your record had one or more incorrect violations recorded. You may be paying higher rates because of record keeping errors.
            Remember, you heard it here first in The Sentinel.
            Oh, I also figured out how to beat the automated response system. At the very end of the spiel, there is always a bit telling you 'if you don't have a touch tone phone, hang on the line for assistance." Go for that one.

Post Script to this issue: It turned out there was a William Weber licensed in Missouri and he was in Florida at the time and he got the ticket, but the driver's license was a different number than mine. So watch when you have an unexpected jump in your insurance premium. It might have happened that the other Weber had a bench warrant out and had I been stopped I could have been arrested.

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