Sunday, August 18, 2013

How does this Happen?

Sunday August 18, 2013 Back story: I mentioned my chainsaw problems sometime ago. I did get the new one running in mid-July and used it for a few moments. I wondered if after nearly a month it would start again. Much to my relief it did and ran well. 

I had a tree down from a storm last week and had a bunch of branches to cut in the fruit orchard. I spent an entire day cutting and hauling branches back to the woods. 

Now here’s the story and the strange part. With the first cutting of a branch it slid by my forearm and scratched it slightly. That brought an old TV commercial to mind. It was a commercial for Band Aid bandages with a young boy singing, “I am stuck on Band Aid brand cause Band Aid’s stuck on me.” As he finished the jingle he raised his forearm showing the Band Aid stuck on his arm. How I remember a TV commercial from over 40 years ago, I do not know or care. What I do want to know is how can I get that jingle out of my head?

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