Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Little Catch Up

The white clematis is in full bloom now, about a month early. I suspect that is due to the extensive rainfall we have had here. Our weather on local TV stations reported some areas have had 20 inches of rain so far in August. We here on the farm have not had that much (at least I don’t think so) but this morning we had a band of rain that dumped 2 inches and the wind swirled it completely around the house. Besides the choke cherry tree down in the front yard, we have tomato plants down and flowers bent over to the ground today. The sun just broke free and the temperature is rising. I see there is an ATT wireless tower nearby, (just one mile away) but I am not sure I want that monkey on my back again.

The clematis is beautiful and you can see how the golden rain tree behind it got its name. The concentric circles are from a space ship that landed here last night. There was another circle nearby that looked like two giant boobs this morning.


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