Saturday, July 20, 2013

Feeling Like Mike Rowe Today

I felt like Mike Rowe today. Mike is a guy who has a cable TV show where he does dirty jobs. I only know him from Ford commercials, but I have heard about his show. I walked out to the mailbox today to check for any mail. The box sits under a huge black walnut tree. The tree is filled with these hairy caterpillars engorged with walnut leaves. They seemed to be passing out from eating so much and falling to the ground where I stood mashing them into oblivion. Those still in the tree were eating on one end and crapping out the other end. My wide-brimmed hat was sounding off with caterpillar poop pellets falling like a rainstorm. That's when I thought of Mike with his dirty jobs. I wonder if he ever experienced what I did today.

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