Sunday, June 2, 2013

Just Thinking Again

I was just thinking we spend one third of our lives asleep. Even if you live to be 90, which most do not attain, you are really only living 60 years. Now cut out bathroom breaks, auto traffic and waiting in line for restaurants, banking, grocery stores, doctor’s visits, Wal-Mart and there are several more years lost, (perhaps 5 years). Now take out 40 years times 8 hours or more a work day (21.2 years considering 265 work days a year) lost at jobs that sometimes suck and what are you left with, perhaps less than 34 years of real living. Subtract time spent on chores, laundry home repairs mowing grass, (14 years?) Now consider of the amount of time left for  your free time (less than 20 years) for reading, watching movies, hiking, camping, drinking, gambling, family visiting and sex (it amounts to 2.5 years for each single fun activity listed) and you have a really minimal time left for fun activities.

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