Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thought Waves

 Here’s a thought to ponder. Suppose in some 100 years from now after communicating with nothing but texts and tablets and e-mails the human race loses its ability to speak using vocal chords. This leaves nothing but thoughts via brain waves to communicate with other humans. So far, does this sound  good?

Now you are in a grocery store on your way home from work and you turn the corner only to see an absolute jerk from work. Your mind instantly thinks and transmits this, “Oh damn, there’s Jake, the asshole of all assholes I know.” Jake in turn immediately senses your displeasure as he reads your thoughts. Can this be good?

Later on, you turn another corner of another aisle and nearly bump into a really beautiful woman. Again your thoughts immediately flow out of your brain and she instantly reads them. You are thinking you would really love to see her naked, while she looks at you in disgust for your uncontrolled thoughts. Then again, she may just return a similar thought pattern.

I ask you now; would this evolution be a good thing or a bad thing? I hope you will consider this fully before answering or commenting.

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