Saturday, January 5, 2013

Post Christmas Letdown

I sit here at my dining room table in the midst of a post Christmas letdown. It is a cold, gray day in January. The Christmas decorations are down and the house seems bare and empty. The long buildup to Christmas has passed. Christmas day seemed to have blinked like the light of a camera flash bulb.

I spent several Christmases onboard ship during the Vietnam War. Christmas on an aircraft carrier was spent just like any other day of the year. We aboard still had aircraft and equipment to repair and the work day was still 12 hours long as it was 7 days a week at sea. The only way we knew it was Christmas was when the galley served those delightfully pressed and formed turkey slices smothered in watery gravy. Even the green Kool-Aid was the same as the day before, the day, and the day after. The old salts called it bug juice. I assume that is why I never drank it.

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