Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Japanese Tourists

News Exclusive

A bizarre news event occurred a few weeks back. A Japanese 747 Jumbo jet filled with Japanese tourists was flying over Southwest Missouri. The 747 was experiencing engine troubles and the crew had to make a split-second decision. They could either crash or drop altitude, lighten the load and then cruise to the next airport for necessary repairs. The plane’s copilot was inexperienced and unnerved, so when the pilot told him to pull the lever to jettison cargo, the copilot pulled the wrong lever and jettisoned the escape hatches. The result was all the Japanese tourists were sucked out of the cabin when the cabin lost pressure. All those tourists fell toward the ground around our house.

The result was the tourists, fluttered down and with no meal service aboard the plane; they landed in the elm trees shading our home. Their voracious appetites soon led them to consume the juiciest portions of every leaf on every tree. The remaining parts of the leaves dropped to the ground like it was autumn. Our deck and patio filled with coffee ground size fertilizer pellets and lacy looking dead leaves. For several days they would refill the deck as fast as we could sweep it clean. The gutter filled to capacity and overflowed. I had to wear a hat just to keep my hair clean. The fertilizer pellets sounded like rain falling as they bounced off my hat.

Nothing is ever all bad or all good. The fertilizer may aid the yard in growing grass and at least the Japanese tourists (beetles) were not brown Swiss milk cows. Some of them would have come right through the roof.

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