Saturday, September 21, 2024

240921 New Hampshire Bound

New Hampshire bound.

Laconia, New Hampshire is 1162 miles from Springfield, Illinois. A driver could make the trip in 2 days, but me and John weren’t that ambitious.

We drove as far as Indianapolis, drove through there and stopped about 10 miles outside the city in a nice campground. There was a nice little lake there and we set up camp about 10 yards from the lake. We were sitting in camp chairs and popping the tops off of cans of beer. The scenery was nice, but it got better when two carloads of attractive young ladies showed up by the lake. They didn’t have swimsuits, but that didn’t stop them from swimming. (Insert your own vision of what they were or weren’t wearing.) As for me and John, we were enjoying the show. I’m old, but I’m not dead yet.

Some young gentlemen drove into the campground, I’m using that term loosely because they turned out to be anything but gentlemen. They began harassing the ladies. The harassment turned into assault in short order. John got up and headed toward them. I stayed where I was; I was still sore from the last fight I lost in Springfield. John took care of the situation and rescued the ladies. Someone who saw the altercation must have called the police because I heard sirens in the distance. I packed up our gear and tossed it in the back of the truck and started it up while John returned on a dead run. We didn’t want to be held up by the cops.

We headed east for close to 20 miles before stopping at a roadside park for the night. I put up the tent, then cooked some eggs and bacon on the Coleman stove. A few beers later and we drifted off into sleep.

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