Friday, September 6, 2024

240906 The Monk

There once was a monk
And he was not a good monk
He was a monk who liked to get drunk
He didn’t shave his head anymore
Instead he bought lots of beer at the store

He let his beard grow wild
He acted like a petulant child
His meditations only lasted a minute or two
Before his mind drifted off into the blue

He wasn’t always that way
But that’s the way it he is today
He went off to meditate deep in the dark wood
40 days of silence should do him some good

After 40 days, the monk went back to his humble home
Far from his home, he hardly would roam
The monk finally died; his spirit left his land
His body was found in a chair with a beer in his hand


  1. ALWAYS enjoy your poetry
    Keep 'em coming

    1. Thank you! Poetry is my favorite way to write. Until lately it has not as popular with readers as it has become recently.

  2. thanks Bill ... as always, you never disappoint ... enjoy your writings ...
