Friday, August 30, 2024

240830 Health

Right now I’m healthy.

I believe I am healthier than I was 4 years ago.
I have more muscle than years ago. I’m 79 years old and I can and do 30 military pushups a night. I walk a half mile every day, weather allowing. I can walk up to a mile if necessary, despite having peripheral neuropathy in my calves and feet. I can do all of my yoga postures as well as I ever did 7 years ago when I began doing yoga.

I’ve gained 5 pounds in the last few months, the first weight gain in years. I weigh 141 pounds now, still way under the 160 pounds I should be for my height. I doubt I’ll ever get there, nor do I care.

My sight is not what it was 5 years ago, but it is still good. My hearing is better than it was back in the nineties when a doctor gave me a prescription for a slight infection. The script somehow caused a slight ringing in my ears that continues today, but somehow has given me hearing well beyond anyone could imagine. It’s better than I would like. I can hear everything that goes on in the apartment above me and the one next to me and the one behind me. I can hear everything that happens in the hallway outside my door. This is not a blessing, but rather, things I don’t want to hear.

My psychological condition is at times, not what it should be, but that’s nothing new. I’ve had issues for decades. The trick to get over the problem is to get busy doing something, anything. I take a walk, rearrange everything in my apartment, change the draperies, even do a walking meditation in the apartment. I can’t begin to guess how many times I have rearranged everything I have here.

So this is what I am at 79, what will I be like at 82?


  1. Be glad you are still doing what you can. And WHEN you make it to 82 celebrate!

  2. 82 is only 3 years away. I never thought I would live this long, much less to live 82 years. My dad died just before his 70th birthday, When I turned 70 I thought I would pass away as he did. Now I'm 79. My grandfather died at 74 years old. My grandmother died at 71. My mother is the only one who lived to be 82 years old. You can see that most of my family has died long before 79 years.

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