Tuesday, July 16, 2024

240716 70% Man

I went through all my classes in grade school, high school and in 23 different schools in the navy and in several more schools in industry. I have always been a 70% student. I have been told at times in my life that I was a pretty smart guy, despite the fact that I am only a 70% guy on a 100% scale.

I have tried more times than I can remember to learn computer programming skills, learned a little, but mastered none. I think about that a lot these days because at this point in my life, I know what I do not know and that far outweighs what I do know. What I do not know can be compared to Mount Everest while what I do know can be compared to a pebble at the base of that mountain. The amazing thing is that I have gotten by fairly well in my life. That makes me wonder what might have been had I been a 90% guy throughout my life.

That is one more thing I will never know.

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