Wednesday, January 31, 2024

240131 Wrong

Getting up on the wrong side of the bed. I wonder what does this old saying really mean? I’ve heard it used many times. How can getting up on one side of a bed vs the other side make a difference in one’s day? If the bed is horizontally against a wall, then there is only one side of the bed to get up on. If the bed is kept against the wall and it’s the wrong side of the bed does that mean one’s life will be nothing but bad days? Suppose one never heard that saying “wrong side of the bed” would he or she live a never ending life of bad days? I’ve had many different beds during my lifetime, yet not one of them had a sign saying right or wrong side of the bed. I’ve been getting up on the same side of the bed for a long time now, that is except for this morning, I got up on the other side of the bed. I don’t feel any difference as yet. It’s still early, maybe if I got back in bed and then got up on the right side of the bed I might avoid any bad luck. Maybe it’s too late to make the change and save myself from having a wretched day. I’m perplexed. I had a plan to go out for a walk this afternoon but perhaps I should cancel that and stay inside where I am safe, unless of course I trip and fall inside my apartment. I’m doomed if I do and doomed if I don’t. Why oh why did I get out of bed this morning on the wrong side of the bed? I must not have been thinking straight this morning.

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