Thursday, December 14, 2023

231214 Eleven

I was looking at my calendar this morning and the number eleven came to mind. Why eleven I wondered? Is there a clue there? Is it eleven cups of coffee? Eleven beers is more than I can drink in a single day or even 2 days. I can’t sleep for eleven hours. Is this a premonition? I do have a lot of them. Suddenly my eyes opened wide; am I going to die in eleven days? Will I have another eleven years of life? Maybe I’m going to see eleven ghosts from the past. Maybe I’m going to get an eleven day eviction notice. That’s what the neighbors across the hall got and they were gone in eleven days. Last night, I had a dream and Joyce was in it. We were just sitting and casually talking. She was young and beautiful as she always is in the few dreams I have had with her in them. Oddly enough, I woke up from that dream and the clock showed eleven pm. Eleven is not a Fibonacci number, so that is not what the eleven stands for. I have the feeling that something will happen in eleven days, but what could it be? Now I’ll be wondering what will happen for the next eleven days.

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