Saturday, November 11, 2023

231111 Veteran's Day

this is the view from the veteran's cemetary atop Point Loma, California. The picture doesn't do justice to actually being there.
Thanks to all veterans for their service!

A long time ago, when I was a boy, I wanted to be a marine or a soldier. My friend and I practiced hand to hand combat. We were going to be a marine or a soldier. He never joined any service, while I enlisted in the navy. As I think about it these days, I realize that I would never have made it through marine or army boot camp. I barely made it through navy boot camp and it was a lot easier than either of the other services was back then.

I’m happy to have served for 11 years. I had so many interesting and exciting events during my time in service. I look back to those years and how much I enjoyed my time as an air crew member, as a radio and navigation repairman and as an instructor at the navy’s aviation electronics school in Millington, Tennessee. I got to see the Philippines, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Midway Island, Wake Island and a one day trip into Vietnam (where we came under a mortar attack) that was scary for us, but to the regulars, it was just another day. The worst thing I experienced was standing Shore Patrol watches. Those lasted 12 hours of walking around and looking for trouble. I was never cut out to be a policeman.

The funny thing about Veteran’s Day is this: most men and women in service never get to celebrate the holiday, while government pencil pushers get to have the day off with pay. After my service was done and I went to work as a civilian I never got to have the holiday off. One time, while working at Burroughs in San Diego, I took a day off and I took Annie to the veteran’s ceremony atop Point Loma, California. It was a wonderful ceremony and the view from there was magnificent! We could see San Diego bay, North Island naval air station (where I spent a lot of time during my navy years) and the entire Pacific Ocean. I’ve never seen another view quite like it.

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