Thursday, October 5, 2023

231005 Dangerous Jobs

At one time working on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier was one of the most dangerous jobs anywhere.

I can verify that was true when I worked on the flight deck of the Kitty Hawk. I saw and experienced times when I could have been killed on the flight deck and I saw others who did die.

I want to tell you about an even more dangerous job, one that has not been exposed until recent years. This is about those who worked at Litton ACD from its inception until its demise in Springfield, Missouri. Those who worked there have suffered and died from various forms of cancer. Those who contracted cancer from working there have died prematurely from exposure to known carcinogens and there are more that are currently fighting cancer at a higher rate than is normal.

I found out from a friend that those who worked in a similar circuit board plant in Carlsbad, California have also contracted cancer from toxic chemicals used in the making of circuit boards.

I’m sure there are other jobs, such as working in coal mines that give workers black lung disease that causes premature death. We have a government agency, OSHA, that is supposed to keep workers safe from these dangerous jobs, but apparently there are more occupations than OSHA can keep up with.

To those at Litton who have died from cancers contracted at Litton or are suffering from cancers at the moment, my heart goes out to you. May God bless those who have passed and those who are currently fighting cancer from their jobs at Litton.

I am lucky in that during my 19.5 years there I have not gotten cancer yet as far as I know. Most of my work there was in areas isolated from hazardous chemicals. I am thankful for that. I remember having to go into areas there that had such a high level of toxicity that choked me and burned my eyes and yet people worked 8-10 hours a day in those areas. I don’t know how they could do that, but they did it, to support themselves and their families. Some people who worked in office areas still got cancer.

Brother Bill

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