Wednesday, August 9, 2023

230809 This post is out of the ordinary for me.

A life worth living.

The north and south poles are shifting, tilting on their axis. It’s slight at the moment, but at some time in the future, it may shift radically. When or if that happens, the north and south poles will warm rapidly, many times faster than they already are warming. Sea levels will rise by 300 feet or more, back to where they were eons ago. At one time sea levels were 600 feet higher. This will wipe out nearly all human and animal life.
Now if or when that happens, would you want to be with the few left living or be gone with all of the rest of life on earth? You may not have a choice, but assuming you did, which group would you want to be in?

People who read my posts likely think that they know me well. My posts, however, are only half of my story. No one knows all that I have experienced, how many times I have been spared from death when it could have just as easily gone the other way and I would have been killed, aboard ship, overseas, and at home.

One day I was on the flight deck of the Kitty Hawk. An A-4 Skyhawk was returning from a bombing run over north Vietnam. There was one bomb under its wing that was hung up and would not release from the bomb rack. The jolt when the plane hit the flight deck set a 250 pound armed and skidding from the aft section of the flight deck to the opposite end of the angled deck, some hundreds of feet away, before dropping into the ocean. Those of us on deck watched in silence, hoping it didn’t explode, had it done so when the plane hit the deck none of us would have survived.

I was in an aircrew operating off the island of Guam in 1965. One of our missions was to fly all over the Pacific ocean following typhoons and reporting winds speeds and the path of the typhoons to the naval weather service for the far east. We were constantly bouncing around the skies over the Pacific. At times the plane would fall a hundred feet or so in a second or two, enough to lift one out of his seat and bounce off the ceiling of the plane (that's why we had seat belts over our laps.) The opposite happened causing the plane to rise so fast it would knock a person to the deck of the plane. All the while this was going on it could have damaged the plane and sent us down into the vast Pacific where no one would ever find our remains.

I’ve had large caliber handguns pointed at me in the Philippines and once when at home, we walked into the middle of a robbery in progress at a video store. My life has been seriously threatened and yet I am still alive. I have lost nearly all of the people I have loved in my lifetime and yet I am still here, for what reason I may never know. I haven’t been a great man, haven’t saved the world and yet here I am.

On a lighter note, I say my prayers every day for those I know and those I have lost or will lose at some point. I sit quietly, in silence, hands folded over my heart and eyes closed. The prayers last for 11-12 minutes. Anywhere from 8-10 minutes into the prayers I begin to see things. They are splashes of blue, gold, and often red. They appear and drift across my closed eyes. Some of them have images of people, men and women’s faces. They are never anyone I know. Most of the men have beards and huge amounts of hair. After prayers are over, I remain sitting and watch the colors and faces for up to 8 minutes or more. This has been happening for years now. For it to happen I have to be focused on my prayers or my breathing after prayers.
I would appreciate it if anyone would try this and see if it happens to them. One important thing is to not be thinking random thoughts which one’s mind likes to do when we are silent. As long as you can stay focused on one thing, be it prayer or whatever, it may not matter. This is not an easy thing to do, it may sound that way, but it’s difficult to focus on one thing or nothing at all.

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