Monday, April 17, 2023

230417 Beyond Fiction

This one's a mystery.

I had a strange thing happen yesterday, one I cannot explain. I was in my apartment with all the windows and doors shut and locked. The apartment is well sealed from outside forces. I had just woken up from an afternoon nap when I heard what sounded like a door being shut. My bed is 5 feet from the master bath. I looked at the open door where my bathrobe is hung. The robe was moving about as if someone had just passed by and brushed against it, setting it in motion. I walked around the apartment checking the doors and the windows, they were closed and locked from the inside. I have no explanation for what happened. Frightening? Maybe? A supernatural event? Possibly? I know I was awake. I know it happened as I write this with no embellishment and no explanation. Every day my world gets a little bit stranger than the one before. Am I becoming more spiritual and seeing things others may not see? Is this a sign of things to come to me in the future? I don’t know. Today is a fresh new day and I can only wait and see what the day brings. Perhaps I am ever closer to a different state of consciousness.

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