Friday, April 14, 2023

230314 The Message

It’s a secret.

I like to watch spiritual, not necessarily conventional religion, but things in the spiritual realm. One thing I saw on several occasions was a short video about how people who always wake up at 3 am, do so because there is a spiritual message for them. That intrigued me because that is my usual time for waking up. I kept waiting for my spiritual message to arrive for months. Then this morning I received the message in a clear form. The message is… Bill, you're an old man and that’s what old men do.

Yes, this was a huge disappointment for me, the spirit world telling me something I already knew. Don’t we all know when we get old? The signs are everywhere. We can’t lift the weights we used to be able to do. We can’t run like we once did. People we knew for decades have now passed away. Accomplishments we were once proud of, no longer happen in our life. We can’t see the future, so we focus more on the past. These are all signs.

All of my working life I was sleep deprived. There was too much going on to have time for sleep. I dreamt that once I retired I could and would get all the sleep I always wanted. Well, that has not happened, why, I have no idea. Things just don’t always happen the way we think they should and the way we want them to happen. Welcome to old age, where we have all the time in the world to do things we can no longer do.

I write this piece in what I consider to be a dark, humorous manner. I don’t mean to sound like I’m whining, but rather experiencing things I never thought my future would hold. I never liked the decade of the seventies and now I’m running out of my seventies age wise. Life is an experience that everyone has and no two lives are exactly alike.


  1. Every morning when my feet hit the floor is another day to be enjoying whatever it may bring. Sure, it's no longer the way we would wish it but at least I'm up! I have a t-shirt that says a quote from the devil "Oh crap! She's up!" Live on.

    1. When I wake up in the morning, I thank the Lord for another day even though sometimes I feel more like saying not another day. There's a reason why I'm still waking up every day, but most days I wonder what that reason is. I never get an answer to that.
