Wednesday, March 29, 2023

230329 Unusual Battery Failures

This gets bigger every day!

I have an odd situation to report to you. Today, I replaced the battery in my car. I had just replaced the battery in the car a month ago; in fact I had to replace it twice. I had to replace the batteries in my laptop and phone recently. Now I’m not one to exaggerate a story, or alter the facts so you know if I tell you this it is true.

Why is this happening? Well I’m not sure but I wonder if it has to do with those funny lights out over the parking lot in the middle of the night. There’s that whirring sound too. I think those outer space folks are re-charging all of their anti-gravity magnetic intergalactic engines with my batteries and the huge load placed on my batteries is more than they can withstand. Why else would all of the batteries all placed into service at different times all go bad at the same time? I think there are flying saucers out there and they are draining my batteries with all of the flying around they do at night!

Those ETs are also taking control of people on this earth. I know they insert some kind of control device in the back of people’s necks to control them. There is always a small scar from that and the people under their control always keep their necks covered so we normal folks won't know who is normal and who is under the spell of those aliens. The army and air force may be under the control of those ETs and that’s why they don’t report that their radar picks up any of these flying objects. There are a lot of odd unexplainable things going on in the world today.

I’m going to check into this battery thing further. There seems to be a shortage of batteries everywhere. I’ve heard that there are rolling blackouts out there in California. If any of you ever saw the movie ‘Close Encounters of The Third Kind’ you’ll understand the significance of that. I don’t want to scare anyone, but look around you and be observant for a while. If you start to see things that seem a little strange, be on your guard! I’m afraid this thing may be bigger than I first suspected. If anyone has any ideas about what’s going on, I’m interested. But don’t say go to the police, because if they have the army, they surely have the police too. I’ll bet that’s why the F.B.I. is monitoring my Internet. Don’t email me anything about this; they will intercept this and then they will know that I am on to their games too. Don’t write a letter either. I know they can scan them without even opening the envelope! And please don’t call; they have been tapping my telephone line. I think the picture is becoming crystal clear now. They don’t want us to think about outer space anymore. They don’t want us to think about batteries either. They control the airwaves and they don’t want you to think about energy! Yes my friend, this is bigger than I had even imagined!

Oops, there’s a whirring sound outside my window. I see it, huge, round and shiny! I’m going to go outside and see what’s going on out there… If you never hear from me again, you’ll know they got me and I am under their complete control, perhaps in space prison.