Tuesday, March 21, 2023

230321 It Happened Again

Questions, with no answers.

I pulled into the parking lot last night and as I rolled in, the engine died. I thought that was strange, so I tried to restart the motor. When I turned the key, nothing happened.

Beads of sweat popped from my forehead. My shoulders tensed. My eyes rolled backwards. I recognized this scenario. It was happening all over again. My eyes darted left, center, right, nothing seen. I kicked the door open and ran for my apartment. The fugitive instinct took over and as I fled, I tripped and fell but felt no pain. The adrenalin pumped through me like water through a fire hose. Just as I reached my door, everything went black.

Later my eyes blinked and opened as I felt a sharp pain. Heat like blazing coals ran up my arteries into my brain. I didn’t even have to look, I knew where I was and what to expect next. I tried to move anyway, but was restrained as before. Another quick shot and I was in agony. Eyes rolling, I tried to see if anyone was visible. I remembered the last time this occurred; the weekend seemed a month long.

There was activity nearby but I couldn’t see what was going on, and the language was foreign to me. In my field of view, I could only see directly above me and the overhead lights showed a mixture of Greek like letters and Egyptian hieroglyphics. Some of them seemed familiar, some new.

The atmosphere was charged. The hair on my arms and ears was standing straight up. The air was heavy with ozone making it a strange mixture to breathe. There didn’t seem to be any rocking or swaying, but the sense of motion was there. After a while, even discomfort gives way to sleep.

Sometime later I awakened and saw the one called Retro. I don’t know if that is his/her/its name or just a frequently used word or phrase. Even though I was somewhat startled, it was something I had experienced before. This was in fact the third time. And as before, I suffered from lapses of memory. So once again I have lost several hours of my life and I am confused as to why these extra terrestrials keep abducting me and performing weird medical procedures. So far they keep returning me to where they took me from, but perhaps they may decide to keep me. This has happened two times before on the farm, but it is the first time here in town. How did they find me? Did they implant some sort of tracking device in me? Better still, why do they keep abducting a now old man like me? If I should disappear at some point, don’t bother to search for me, at least not on this planet.