Friday, March 10, 2023

230310 End to My Last Night Post

I’ve been asked by several people for the ending to my post “ Last Night” .

I sprang out of my bed, pulled on my slippers, grabbed my heavy-duty super bright flashlight, grabbed my cane and thrust the end point hard against the closed bedroom door. It sounded like a gunshot! I then swung open the door and turned the flashlight on the intruder to blind his vision. He turned, and was bouncing off the hallway walls trying to recover his sight. He made his way to the front door and stumbled into the hallway outside, where he took off like a jackrabbit into the darkness. He passed by the swimming pool and was headed across the lawn for Oak Street. As he was running in the darkness, he forgot the cement benches by the BBQ pits. He caught his shin on the cement bench and I could see him limping ever closer to Oak Street. I got as far as the bench where he left a splash of blood on the edge. He was a lot younger than me and was still opening ground between us. I quit chasing him across the grassy area for two reasons, one, I didn’t want to slip on some fresh dog dirt and two, I didn’t want to get to Oak Street with nothing but my underwear on. I don’t look so good in my undershorts these days and if a patrolman should pass by and see me, he may have had a difficult time believing my tale about what happened to get me out on the street at such a late hour or any hour for that matter. Worse yet, some old lady walking her tiny dog might see me and follow me home; perhaps to report me to the police or get an idea that I might be interested in late-night company. It’s a tough world out there and I don’t think I will have any trouble from my wounded intruder again.

Everything in part one of “Last Night” was true. In part two of “Last Night” everything is true and if it’s not. it oughta be true.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Kathy. I enjoyed writing it. I'm sitting here smiling as I read your comment.
