Tuesday, February 14, 2023

230214 Letters

A Man of Letters.

A long time ago I was the man of letters. When I was overseas on land or aboard ship, I wrote one or more letters every day. Most were either to mom or Joyce or my grandfather. I mailed well over 2000 letters during my naval service. Most of my letters got a reply or a thank you for them. All of those letters were written on paper with a pen. There was no access for me to use a typewriter and back then there was no such thing as a personal computer with a word program to use for typing. The internet was more than 20 years in the future. I wish I had those letters today, but being overseas I didn’t have room to store them in those small navy lockers.

Joyce had saved all that I had sent her until she moved to California to be with me during my last year in the navy and she had nothing but a car for the trip. She put our furniture in storage and was afraid someone would see the letters and read them, so she burned all the letters.

These days I haven't written a letter on paper for decades. I do my writing and sending on my laptop. I put a lot of work into my writing, but I receive few answers. People do reply to email sometimes, but my blog gets likes on Facebook, but few comments and yet there are three times the number of the people on Facebook than the number I send my writing to through email. I don’t understand that.

Peace and love to all of you, Bill


  1. I know how you feel, I don't get very many comments on my blog either.

    1. I suppose it's easier to just click a like than it is to write a comment. I si disheartening for the writer. I have found more people read the posts, but don't comment on them.

  2. We all love validation but people are busy and we're inundated with media these days. Not an excuse but a reality. I enjoy your writing and always try to read them. I like to go back and read things I've written even years ago. It helps me to reflect and typically makes me realize that I write for myself anyway and that's important.

    1. I can agree with that wholeheartedly. You are correct with your analysis; people are busy and they don't always have time to reply ot even read posts until days later. Thank you for your thoughtful insight. We do write for ourselves as much as we do for others. I am trying to write things that bring out the brighter side of life because there are plenty of bad things for people to see and read and they don't need more from me.
