Thursday, February 2, 2023

230202 Footprints

People walk along the seaside and leave their footprints in the sand. The rising tide washes those prints away. A day later, no one will know that they were ever there.

Are our lives like footprints that soon wash away? How can we ensure that we will be remembered? I’m assuming that anyone would want to be remembered after they have passed away.

Let’s see, Einstein is well remembered, but then he published the theory of relativity. We could write a best selling novel and then we would be remembered. Becoming a best selling author is reserved for a select few that have the gift of storytelling, so that leaves the majority of the world out of the range of possibility.

Here’s a thought; be a nice person, helpful and kind to everyone we know or we meet. My mother and grandfather were wonderful to me, with helpful advice and support for whatever I did. I remember them well and think about them every day. I have friends and a sister, Mar, I haven’t seen in years and in some cases decades, but I think about them every day, because they have been kind to me and I have done my best to be good to them.

My thinking is if I am kind to everyone I know or meet, they will remember me long after I leave this planet and its earthly realm.

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