Sunday, January 15, 2023

230115 Long Time

Here are a few things I’ve kept for a long time.

Some things come and go in a matter of days, but others linger on for perhaps forever.
1964, Joyce and I were just married and we moved to Millington, Tn. to finish my first navy training. The local welcome wagon ladies stopped in and gave Joyce a pizza cutting wheel. That was 59 years ago and I still use it today! I stopped at a local grocery store in the mid seventies. The store was giving away a plastic strainer to pour out boiling weather from a pot. I still have and use it today. I have tools that I bought in 1968 and they are still in use. My bluejeans I bought in the mid nineties, I still wear today. I have two polyester shirts my dad wore in the seventies and I wear them these days in 2023. They are slightly faded, but otherwise are as good today as they were when he bought them and they don’t look out of place. My bathrobe was given to me by Joyce in 1980 and I wear it these days. I have a ceramic ashtray Annie made for me in school back in 1976. I use it for spare change these days. I bought Joyce’s mother a radio shack am/fm radio for her in the mid eighties. She’s gone, Joyce is gone but I still have the radio and it works!
Just because something is old it doesn’t mean it’s not worth keeping.

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